How to create Search Summaries in Causaly

This guide will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

In this guide you will learn:

  • How to generate and review each Search Summary
  • How to manage your Summary in a Causaly Workspace

About Search Summaries

Search Summaries are an overview of biomedical evidence of your search results from the Intelligent Search module. You can use Summaries to gain a better understanding of the evidence and to help direct the focus of your research. Each AI-generated summary includes citations of the source documents. Once generated, you can save and share a snapshot of the summary with your research teams.

Search Summaries provide the following key features and benefits:

  • Easily navigate search results with summaries that synthesize important evidence
  • Get full transparency on original sources with linked, in-line references
  • Save Summaries to Workspaces to share findings and collaborate with your colleagues

How to use Search Summaries in Causaly

Step 0: Login

Refer to

Step 1: Generate Search Summary in Intelligent Search

Explore your research question in Causaly, such as targets for asthma, using Intelligent Search on the Causaly homepage. Select the relevant search topic to initiate the search (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Start your search using Intelligent Search on the Causaly homepage.

The system searches for targets for asthma and presents the list of results in a dendrogram view. As the dendrogram results are loading, a search summary will start to auto-generate at the bottom of the view (Figure 2).

Figure 2. The search summary is being auto-generated on the results page.

Once the summary has been generated, click “Read Summary” to access your AI-generated summary of the results on asthma targets (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Click “Read Summary” to see the AI-generated search summary.

The search summary will display on the next page, and AI will begin to generate a summary of the top 10 results in the dendrogram (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Search summary generated by AI based on the top search results.

Once complete, the article sources are hyperlinked within the summary. Click each link to open the publication in the “Article” view on Causaly. Save the search summary as a Causaly Workspace to capture a snapshot view of your search and create a space to curate important evidence (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Save the search summary with references as a Workspace.

Step 2: Manage Search Summary in a Causaly Workspace

After saving the AI-generated search summary as a Workspace, you can access it to edit the title or the summary text (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Edit the title or text of the search summary in the Workspace.

Within the Workspace, you will find the referenced publications and the top 10 results from the search automatically saved to the “Articles” and “Relationships” tabs, respectively. Click to review the article/relationship and the extracted supporting evidence.

You can also click the “Relaunch search” option, denoted by the magnifying glass icon, to re-access the Causaly search from which the search summary was created from (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Select “Relaunch search” to go back to your original search.


More information

  • How are summaries created?
    • Causaly uses large language models (LLMs) to create short summaries of the top Intelligent Search results. Causaly does not share your search queries with third parties to generate summaries.
  • Does my summary change if I apply filters or change the sorting options?
    • Yes, summaries can be regenerated once you apply filters or change the sorting option. The new summary will take into account the top results for the refined search query.
  • Can I generate summaries for any search result?
    • Currently summaries are available for searches in Intelligent Search. We are working to expand the summaries feature to other search modules.
  • Can I save my search summary?
    • Yes, each summary can be saved to a Causaly Workspace. Once saved, summaries can be edited, re-named or shared to internal teams.