You can save an article of interest or multiple articles to a workspace, either from the side bar view of a selected relationship (Figure 1) or by selecting the preferred documents from the Articles tab (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Saving an article from the side bar of a relationship in the dendrogram view
Figure 2: Saving an article to a Workspace from the Articles tab
NOTE: Adding articles to Workspaces does not automatically add the retrieved relationships to the same Workspace folder, to avoid the noise of saving irrelevant relationships to your research objectives.
If you would like to save relationships to workspaces, you can do it directly from any view via which you can visualize and examine the knowledge graph (e.g. Dendrogram, Grid, Timeline).
Alternatively, if you find an interesting publication under the Articles tab in your search and would like to save not only the document but also the retrieved relationship(s), click on the relationship(s) of interest, that are presented on the right, and add them to your Workspace from the side bar (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Saving relationships from an article from the Articles tab of your search