Common questions about Causaly Discover

What is Causaly Discover?

Causaly Discover is designed to give you a trusted answer to any biomedical question using a conversational natural language interface. It helps to answer your question with a summary that is transparent, reproducible and verified with citations.


How is Causaly Discover different from Causaly Copilot and other products?

Causaly Discover is designed to enable your whole organization across a wide range of biomedical use cases and leverages our production-grade Causaly Copilot capabilities.


Why do I get different answers from Causaly Discover vs Causaly Copilot?

Both Causaly Discover and Causaly Copilot use the same technology. Causaly Copilot currently has access to more information from the Causaly knowledge graph, and as such provides a different response. We are exploring options to further enhance this experience.


Do we need to update our legal/IT agreements?

No, this experience is built off of our existing technologies that have been approved by your organization.


Which articles does Causaly Discover include in the summary?

The AI-generated summary in Causaly Discover concludes the top 20 documents retrieved from your search. You can change the sorting order of the documents, or apply filters to the search, to generate an updated summary of higher relevance. In addition, you can summarize only the articles of your choice using the Article Summarization functionality in your search results or in a Workspace:


How can I get support with using Causaly Discover?

The intuitive and user-friendly Causaly Discover interface is very easy to use. If you would like to learn more about this module and to see some example searches, please visit: